Artist Talks & Demos
I have done a number of Artist Talks & Demos recently for the both the Northampton District & Banbury District Embroiderers Guilds & Buckingham Art for All (BAFA), which have been well received. I enjoy sharing the story of how I went from Engineering to Art, introducing people to the art of textile sculpture & textural mixed media canvases & showing them how it's done.
However, I also like my talks to be interactive sessions, with a chance for people to try textile sculpting for themselves with a mini make at the end of the session.
With approximately 20 ladies at the Banbury District Embroiderers Guild, a similar number at the Northampton session & a further 9 choosing to take part at BAFA, these were busy sessions, but everyone went home with a small sculpted plaque, created by them & personalised with a choice of metallic pigments to bring out the textural details of their piece. A fun end to the evening.